Annual Accounts Review Meeting Pre-Work
Business details
Your name
Business name
Tell us about the prior financial year (the year we have just finished)
Did you achieve the level of sales you wanted to?
What was your primary goal last year and did you achieve it?
List one thing you did last year that you need to STOP this year
List one thing you did last year you want to CONTINUE doing this year
List one thing you didn't do last year you need to START doing this year
Rate yourself out of 5 out of how happy you are with the performance of the business last year
1 - Miles away
2 - Struggled to achieve goals
3 - Some goals achieved
4 - Most goals achieved
5 - Everything achieved
Tell us about the year ahead
Which "freedom" is most important to you based on your stage of life?
Financial freedom (eg. Grow sales, lift profit, improve cashflow)
Time freedom (eg. Improving business efficiency, clarifying who does what, less hours worked)
Mind freedom (eg. Work done on time, regular ongoing support, tax minimised)
There are three outcomes that a client is looking to derive from their business. In a perfect world, a business delivers all 3. However, priorities differ at different stages in life. Business and the business owner's current situation can play a major role. Which is the most important to you right now?
Based on your answer to the question above, what is one tactic that will help you get closer to achieving this?
List your primary goal for the next 12 months
Are you aware of your expected tax obligations this financial year, i.e. roughly how much tax you will need to pay?
Have you set funds aside to ensure you can and do make tax payments on time?
Have you ever completed a Business Plan?
Is your Business Plan current?
Do you have a strategy for growing (or at least maintaining) sales?
Do you complete monthly management reporting of your results?
Do you have a system for managing your cash flow?
Do you have spare time and energy to look objectively at your business?
Do you have spare time and energy to enjoy life outside of your business?
Do you have a plan to exit or sell your business within a specific period?
Is there anything else you would like to discuss at the meeting?
Finally, we'd love to tell us the areas that we can improve
You take too long to respond
I hear from too many people in your office
You don't provide enough valuable support
Nothing, we love your work
Something else? Explain below
Please elaborate if you have answered above
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